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MegaCom BlackBerry мобилдик аппараттарынын иштөө мүмкүнчүлүктөрүн кеңейтет.

MegaCom extends the opportunities of Blackberry devices usage.

We are glad to inform you that Service Book configuration files were developed for MegaCom subscribers who use Blackberry devices. With these files our subscribers can access the Internet and use MMS messaging on their Blackberry devices.

The Internet access and MMS functions on Blackberry devices have some features based on the Blackberry OS, and Blackberry users should install specific Service Book files in order to use these services.

According to multiple requests and wishes of subscribers MegaCom developers have created the Service Book that will help Blackberry owners to:

  • enable the mobile Internet;
  • use Internet from their smartphones’ default browser;
  • use e-mail services;
  • watch attachments and images received via MMS.

Download: (1 Kb)

Warning: To install the Service Book file follow your mobile device’s manual.

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